Tovah Novak

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How To Make Your Dog Happy

Any pet owner can tell you that a happy pet means a happier home! Whether you own a dog, cat, or something more exotic, they are likely the beating heart of the house. They are everyone's favorite roommate/cuddle buddy and never fail to bring a smile to your face. Therefore, it is only fair that we return the favor!

With that in mind, here is a guide to making your dog smile every day. This is particularly useful for first-time pet owners! 

Spend quality time with them.

From time to time, we all want to be the center of attention. This goes for dogs, too, especially puppies who need socialization in order to thrive. Therefore, you should set aside some time each day to play with your dog. Not only is this great fun, but it also provides them with the physical and mental stimulation they need to grow and develop. For example, playing with toys helps puppies build their muscles, strength, and agility. 

The more time you spend with your puppy, the stronger the bond you will form. 

Much like humans, dogs can also suffer from issues such as stress and anxiety. Studies have shown that canine anxiety manifests itself in several ways, such as: 

  • Shivering

  • Digging

  • Hiding

  • Barking frequently when left alone

  • Overreacting to noise/disturbances

  • Panting

  • Pacing

  • Whining 

Thankfully, one of the ways in which you can help your four-legged friend deal with their anxiety is by simply spending time with them and showing physical affection. This means plenty of scratches, pats, and cuddles. They are proven to relieve tension and help your pet feel more like themselves in no time. Additionally, you can combat these issues by paying attention to potential triggers. Figure out what makes them feel anxious, and work to ensure it does not happen again. 

When spending time with your dog, you should also make sure you give them plenty of praise and encouragement. You’d be surprised about the various ways in which they pick up on how we are speaking to them, based on the tone of your voice. So, if they have been well behaved or responded to instruction, let them know they have done an excellent job. This can have a genuinely positive impact on their mood, attitude, and behavior. 

When playing together, ensure that your dog has plenty of toys to choose from. This should include squeaky toys, ropes, and balls so that they are stimulated in a variety of different ways. Playing fetch is always a great way for the pair of you to have fun together! 

Take them outside.

Fresh air is important, especially for animals. Therefore, it is important that you allow them to enjoy the great outdoors as much as possible - and not just in your garden. Ideally, you should walk your dog at least once a day. It does not necessarily have to be a long walk - even a ten-minute stroll around the block makes a considerable difference. This is a great way to help them stay healthy and in good shape, as they could quickly gain weight otherwise. Studies show that walking is good for your dog's mental health, too. 

If you are looking to get fit, your puppy can help. Taking them out every day serves as great encouragement for you to get outside and exercise more frequently. If you feel up to it, you can also take them for a short run/jog. 

Give them plenty of treats. 

Treating your puppy, especially when you are house training them, is a great way to inspire good behavior or to simply make them smile. However, many owners worry about giving their pets too many treats as they can be high in sugar or other additives. Thankfully, there are plenty of Puppy Treats on the market that are as delicious as they are healthy, such as those provided by PuppyTrainedRight. They offer a wide range of snacks and treats for dogs of all ages that promote good nutrition. 

In the same way you might trick your kids into eating vegetables by covering them in cheese, you can trick your pets into having a healthy snack!

Let them spend time with other dogs.

Another great way to help your dog continue to grow and develop is by allowing them to spend time with other dogs. Whether this means you arrange playdates with other puppy owners, or take them to a dog part, try to set aside a little time each month for them to socialize. This has numerous benefits, especially as it allows them to develop emotional intelligence and an understanding of the world around them. For example, by playing with other dogs, they will know that they must be gentle around puppies but can play fight with dogs closer to their own age. 

Take them swimming.

Many dogs hate taking a bath but love being in water. If you are on a walk and pass a small puddle or a huge pond - you just know they are going to find their way into it and return to you covered in mud. Though the mess that comes with this can be frustrating, you should let them have their fun! Take them for a day trip to a local lake (where it is safe for them to swim) or the beach, and let them splash around a little. Swimming is an excellent workout for you both, and can help them get rid of any extra energy they have before returning home. 

Give them some alone time.

As much as dogs love attention and praise, they may also need some time alone, especially if they feel overwhelmed or overstimulated. To combat this, ensure they have some space in the house that is entirely ‘theirs’, such as the area where you keep their bed and toys. Then, if they are feeling stressed, they can take themselves away and spend some time alone. 

You may notice that they find comfort in a particular blanket, or toy. If you see them exhibit signs of stress or discomfort, ensure they have this toy with them as it can help raise their spirits and ensure they feel more comfortable.