Tovah Novak

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How to Take Care of Yourself when You’re a Busy Mom

When you’re a mom, it’s hard to find time for yourself. Taking care of your family and your home often takes precedence over your own needs. But this leads to prolonged stress and excess exhaustion, both of which can lead to burnout.

When you’re a mom, you’re expected to be the best version of yourself. But this isn't easy to do when you’re not caring for yourself properly. Taking the time for self-care is essential to managing stress, getting enough rest, and preventing illnesses.

Self-Care Tips for Busy Moms

Make your health a priority.

Think of it this way—you wouldn’t want your kids to skip their annual check-ups. Your schedule is never too packed for your health. When you’re booking your kids’ and partner’s annual check-ups, set an appointment for yourself as well. In addition, consider scheduling pap smears, mammograms, and other tests and procedures that you need.  

Feed your body the right food.

Good food leads to good health. It’s typical for parents to take on their kids’ diet to get them to eat more. But continuing like this isn't good for the entire family. Revitalizing your diet can be as simple as eating and drinking high-quality ingredients. Rather than cooking pre-packed chicken nuggets and frozen vegetables, you can make grilled chicken with roasted seasonal vegetables.  

Treat yourself once in a while.

Moms are often seen as selfless beings who sacrifice their entire lives for their families. Although noble, this isn’t necessary. You can love and care for your family without losing yourself completely. Take time every day, once a week, or once a month, to give yourself a break.

  • Book a hotel or an Airbnb for a quick vacation.

  • Go to an IV bar and get a treatment to nourish your body.

  • Visit a spa for a massage, a facial, or both.

Another option, which also happens to be low-cost, is establishing “mom time” at home. This could be an hour of your family giving you peace. Take a nap, a bubble bath, or curl up in bed with a good book and a cup of tea.

Keep your body moving.

It’s never too late to start exercising or to change your workout. Staying active becomes more important as you age. It improves blood circulation, increases stamina, and prevents the early onset of certain illnesses. If you don’t have time to go out to the gym or park, check out the workouts available online. There are several fitness apps and online classes for busy moms.

Stay connected with people.

You don’t stop being a mom just because you don’t talk about your kids. It’s important to connect with other people, especially your partner and friends. Make sure you and your partner pencil in dates to your schedules to keep the flame alive. Keep in touch with friends, whether online or offline. Connection is important to humans. Taking the time to do this will make you a better person for your kids to look up to.

Don’t let your responsibilities as a parent be the cause for your burnout. You are as important as your kids and partner. Put your best foot forward by practicing self-care.