Tovah Novak

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Six Tips To Help You Deal With Dry Skin at Home

One of the most common skin woes we face on a regular basis is dry skin. It’s usually not a serious condition and is often caused by things like low moisture in the air or being exposed to hot water for too long. However, it can get to a point where flakes of skin are actively shedding off our bodies. It can also worsen the appearance of our skin and may cause redness or itchiness.

So to help you manage your dry skin, we’ve put together six helpful tips that are easy to follow.

Remember to moisturize daily

One of the most important tips to remember is to moisturize on a daily basis. This sounds like a really obvious and simple tip, but it’s also quite important. Don’t just stick to the same moisturizer either. Make sure you try different types to see what works best for your skin type.

Are you washing your hands too often?

Some people may find that washing their hands too often can cause redness and drying of the skin. This is because your skin produces natural oils that help to keep your skin moisturized. Some people that wash their hands too often will scrub away these natural oils, resulting in dry hands. If you need to wash your hands regularly, remember to moisturize afterwards.

Try a humidifier

A quality Dyson humidifier can increase the moisture levels in the air. This can help with dry and cracked skin especially during cold seasons where we’re prone to using heating units throughout the air. Heaters can actually make the air around us dry, hence why you might be more prone to having dry skin in the winter. A humidifier can help introduce more moisture into the air to counteract this.

You may need to exfoliate more often

Some people find that their dry skin is unavoidable. Sometimes, they might experience flakey patches of skin as well. It could be caused by a skin condition such as eczema. In some cases, gentle exfoliation on a regular basis can help reduce the appearance of dry skin which might actually be caused by a skin condition.

Create an oatmeal soak

An oatmeal bath is a popular remedy for dry and itchy skin. It can also help with some skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, poison ivy and insect bites. Make sure you don’t just put regular oatmeal into your bath. You need to get colloidal oatmeal and you can usually find it online or in health stores.

Adopt better shower and bathing habits

Bathing and showering too much can actually dry out your skin. This varies from person to person, so if you find that your skin gets really dry after getting out of the bath, you may need to adjust your bathing habits. Either reduce the number of times you bath if it’s more than once or twice in a day or consider lowering the temperature so the hot water isn’t drying out your skin.