Don't Let New Life Be The Death Of Your Relationship

It’s not difficult to work out that everything changes after a baby comes into your life. Suddenly, you can’t look out for number one all the time anymore. You can’t go out whenever you fancy or make plans on a whim because it suits you. Instead, yo…

It’s not difficult to work out that everything changes after a baby comes into your life. Suddenly, you can’t look out for number one all the time anymore. You can’t go out whenever you fancy or make plans on a whim because it suits you. Instead, you’ll need to forever think about what’s right for your little one. And, that means making some sacrifices with the things that you might like to do at times.What you might not expect is that your relationship could soon come under strain when that baby comes along. This is the one aspect of our lives most of us assume will stay strong. You made a child together, right? That’s supposed to bring you closer together. Too often, though, new parents find themselves facing issues. In extreme cases, these can even lead to divorce proceedings, and a need for mitigation from experts in family law. For obvious reasons, that’s not something you want for your baby or yourselves. Which is why you need to think about the reasons behind these fallouts early on.

The main thing to bear in mind is that couples only fall apart when they stop paying attention to each other. When you have a newborn baby, they suddenly become the thing you love most in the world, not your partner. That’s as it should be. But, if you neglect your partner altogether, there’s no way you can be the strong family unit that child needs. That’s why you should keep on reading to find out how you and your partner can stay close, even with a newborn.

Make sure you still get time alone

Before the baby came along, you and your man probably spent the majority of your time alone together. Even if you were at home doing different things, you would sit in the same room and snuggle up or chat. It’s this time we spend together which helps us stay connected as couples and reminds us why we love each other. When you have a baby, though, that time you can spend alone becomes pretty non-existent. This is especially the case in the early stages, where your baby doesn’t yet sleep through the night. If you aren’t careful, you could go weeks or even months without spending any quality time alone. And, that can cause an obvious strain. Hence why the first thing you need to do is dedicate time to each other. This is time when you get someone else to watch your baby and focus on each other. It doesn’t even need to be a lot of time. Heading out to a restaurant for two hours once a month could be all it takes. Or, you may want to find someone who can watch your baby overnight on the odd occasion. Either way, this needs to be a priority. Date nights like these are the difference between divorce and happily ever after.


 Put the baby in their own room as soon as you can
For health and comfort, the general advice goes that you let your baby sleep in the same room as you for the first six months. As such, you and your partner may even face sharing your bedroom for a good while after your baby is born. But, it’s worth moving that cot into the nursery as soon as you can to prevent romantic issues. In general, it’s thought that the six-month mark is an okay stage for a move like this. There’s even some evidence to suggest your baby will sleep better in their own room after six months. And, this allows you and your man to reconnect romantically. Even if you don’t feel like jumping under the sheets so soon after giving birth, a couple’s bedroom should be an intimate space. Having a baby around can burst that bubble. By rebuilding it as quickly as possible, you stand a much better chance at preventing problems later.
Connect over your parenting journey

Instead of letting parenting pull you apart, why not use it to bring you closer together? Bringing a new life into the world is, after all, the most romantic thing that any two people can do. So, why are you letting it tear you apart? Instead, embra…

Instead of letting parenting pull you apart, why not use it to bring you closer together? Bringing a new life into the world is, after all, the most romantic thing that any two people can do. So, why are you letting it tear you apart? Instead, embrace parenting activities and allow them to connect you. Go out for a walk as a family, or just do things like dressing and bathing your baby together. Even making feeding times a communal affair sometimes can help you all to stay connected. That’s because these are intimate parenting experiences which always feel magical. And, that magic will only grow if you do them together. In many ways, this can also prevent the two of you from becoming estranged. There’s no way you can feel distant from each other if you’re sharing in experiences as intimate as these regularly.

Stay on top of the small stuff

Often, we also feel a disconnect from our partners at this time because we forget the small stuff we used to do for eachother. Sending a loving text to your partner, for example, is the last thing you think about after a hectic day with your newborn baby, but it’s things like these which make all the difference. These are the small ways which romantic couples use to stay close and keep their love alive. If you suddenly stop all contact like this, your relationship will soon feel the strain. As much as it isn’t on your radar, then, it’s essential you take the time here. Sending a message only takes a few seconds, after all. Add this to your to-do list for the day if it helps you to remember, and make the most of the time when your baby is sleeping. It’s a simple step, which could go a long way towards keeping you and your partner happy for years to come. That, in turn, can make for a happier and healthier home environment for your newborn. You could say, then, that everyone would win!