Five Ways You Can Calm Your Nervous Dog

Anxiety is common in dogs as well as humans. There are many dogs that struggle with being nervous. It can stem from being mistreated, abondondoned, but also from purely being unsure of theri surroundings. 


Just like any other unhealthy behaviours; barking, biting, chewing on household items, nervousness in dogs can be treated. It is possible to cure it, however, other times it can only be managed. 

If you have a dog that gets nervous, this post is really handy. Let’s have a look in more details how you could help them: 

Plenty Of Exercise 

If your dog suffers from the most common anxiety, separation, the obvious fix is to not leave them alone, however, in reality this isn’t possible for the majority of pet owners. Using exercise as a great bonding time and to hep tire them out is a really simple fix. 

Anxiety can lead to your dog having excess energy levels, so taking them for a walk before you leave or throwing a ball around to tire them out can help them to relive stress and produce good feeling endorphins. 

Good Physical Contact 

There is nothing more soothing to a nervous dog that having the comfort of touch from their owner, the person they trust to keep them safe. Learn to recognise the signs that your dog is feeling anxious and nip them in the bid sooner rather than later. Pick them up, give them a treat from, or have a cuddle on the sofa.


Yes, a massage. Just like a human having a massage can help to calm them, it can also work really well for dogs. Anxiety can lead to a  tensing of the muscles and massage therapy is one way to help alleviate the tension. Begin at the neck and work down with long strokes. 

Music Therapy

It has being proven that music is great for both humans and dogs. Music is powerful when it comes to relaxing and calming it’s listeners. Whether you are in the car, at home, or away from your part you can also guarantee that music will help to soothe them. It also help to alleviate noise sensitivity by blocking out common noises such as the street or other noises that bother some dogs and create anxiety.Research shows us that dogs really like classical music suhc as harps. 

A Safe Space 

Anxiety isn’t bad behavior, however, if your dogs is starting to act out because of it may be time for them to have some timeaway and in a safe zone. Try creating a space that they know is just for them. If they start to show the signs of anxiety, take them their safe space, You could also include things like aromatherapy, classical mucia, low lighting, and calming treats to make sure they are ultimate in a calm zone. 

These are five good ways to make sure you look after your dog who get nervous. Is there anything that you do to help your anxious dog? Please share them in the comments below.