Not Your Usual Women's Gift Guide!


A remarkable woman needs a gift that is worthy of her unique character, something that can be tough and time consuming to find. Happily, you need scour the internet and shopping malls no more, because below you can discover some of the most exciting and unusual gifts there are, in the post below. Read on to find out more.

Experience days

Spa days that is what everyone thinks women want. However, before you go and book your vouchers for the remarkable woman in your life, stop and consider whether there is anything a bit more unusual that they make enjoy?

I'm talking about extreme sports experiences here like Nascar driving days, or bungee jumps, or how about a cheese making experience or one where she can learn to survive out in the wild? After all, if she is remarkable, she may want a more unique experience to enjoy.

Subscription boxes

Instead of getting the lady in your life one gift, why not get her 12? Happily, this is easy to do if you choose from one of the many subscription boxes that are on the market. Boxes that are available tailored to pretty much any interest and type of person there is.

In fact, you can get hobby boxes that come with projects to complete along with instruction and all the materials you need. Then there are the beauty boxes that are jammed packed full of beauty and makeup treats, some of which the receipt may have never had the chance to try before, but all of which will be gratefully received.

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Of course, the best thing about gifting a subscription is that a single opportunity to the special woman in your life turns into a year-long event! What better way to show her how special she is?

Something homemade

There is nothing cliche about gifting a present that is made by your own fair hands with love. In fact, it can show that special lady in your life just how much you adore her. For added impact, you can even try making her something that she taught you how to do such as knitting, quilting, or even painting.

Alternatively, homemade eats never go down badly either, and even if you aren't quite the master chef in the kitchen, you can get together a gift of ingredients like this instead. Then all you need to do is wrap and slap a bow on, and you’re good to go.  

Something funny

If the special lady in your life has a rye sense of humor, the best thing you can get her is something that reflects that. Luckily, there are some genuinely hilarious presents out there that are bound to bring a smile to her face.

One in particular that caught my eye is The Beautiful Poetry of Donald Trump (Unabridged) book that is available from places like Amazon. A charming reimagining of POTUS’s tweets that show his more sensitive side. A genius gift for anyone who can see the humor in our current political situation, and if they can do that, they surely are a most remarkable lady!